Booster Club Lifecycle Checklist
- Incorporate
- Obtain EIN
- Apply for 501(c)(3) status
- Adopt financial controls
- Apply for state tax exemption (sales & income tax, if applicable)
- Register to fundraise with state (if required)
New fiscal year (or school year): operate properly
- Elect officers
- Adopt budget
- Review/amend bylaws
- Review/amend financial controls
- Put federal and state filing due dates on your calendar
- Input new information in myRENOSI fiscal year profile
End of fiscal year (or school year)
- Update all information (officers and financials) in myRENOSI fiscal year profile
- Update contact information with school/school district
- Transfer records/passwords to
new officers
- Parent Booster USA
- Cloud-based document storage
- Financial/accounting information
- Governance documents – articles of incorporation, bylaws, minutes
- Conduct annual financial review
- Update signature cards for all bank accounts
Ongoing operational requirements
- File required reports (know
your fiscal year dates)
- IRS 990-series return (based on fiscal year end)
- State corporate annual report (if applicable)
- State sales tax exemption renewal (if applicable)
- State fundraising registration (if applicable)
- Report to members regularly (budget, programs)
- Ensure all fundraisers support your tax-exempt mission
- Maintain minutes of all board, committee, and other meetings