ParliPro Basics
Simplified parliamentary rules are often the best choice when it comes to having guidelines to run effective school support organization meetings. Having no rules for meetings leads to unorganized, often chaotic meetings while using a strict Roberts Rules of Order method can lead to imbalanced meetings, dominated by those few who understand Roberts Rules. Parent Booster USA’s ParliPro Basics can be handed out at meetings and easily understand by all present. Following these simple rules ensures that all voices are heard and hopefully better decisions are made.
- Chair calls the meeting to order.
- Meeting participants review agenda. Amendments, if any, are proposed to the agenda. Participants approve agenda.
- Once the agenda has been approved, including the time period to begin and end discussion of each item, the agenda may not be changed or amended without a motion to amend the agenda, a second, and approval by a 2/3 majority affirmative vote.
- The Chair conducts the meeting, allowing the indicated time period for discussion and/or presentation of each item.
Six Steps to Every Motion
- A member stands, is recognized and makes a motion.
- Another member seconds the motion.
- Without rewording, the presiding officer restates the motion to the assembly.
- The members debate the motion. No member may speak for a second time until all members who wish to speak are heard once.
- The presiding officer asks for affirmative votes & then negative votes
- The presiding officer announces the results of the vote
Privileged Motions
These motions do not relate to the pending motion. Privileged motions do not require the speaker to be recognized and do not require a second; they cannot be amended or debated; no vote is necessary.
Question of Privilege
Can be used if you cannot hear or see the proceedings, but you have a feasible solution. You can stop the proceedings and get the problem corrected.
Incidental Motion
The following incidental motion does not require the speaker to be recognized, nor does it require a second. However, a 2/3 majority affirmative vote is required.
Object to Consideration
This motion may be made to kill a motion before it is discussed, if you can get a 2/3 majority of the assembly to agree with you to kill the motion.
Call for the Orders of the Day
If the agenda specifies a certain time for each item and the meeting gets stuck at one item too long, e.g., it is 10:16a and you are interested in the item scheduled for 10:15a but the meeting is stuck on the 9:05a agenda item, you can “Call for the Orders of the Day” and automatically force the meeting to move on to the appropriate item.