Sample Meeting Minutes
[NOTE: Report on actions taken. It is not recommended to report on discussions and the actual vote count, unless unanimous.]
Proper written notification of this meeting was provided to board members XX days in advance of the meeting. The following board members were present: [NAME, NAME, NAME].
- Call to Order
- Approval of Minutes
- Financial Policies
- The President and Treasurer shall have check signing authority
- To ensure proper financial controls, the Vice President (who does not have check signing authority) shall review monthly bank statements
- Programs
- Other Business
- Next Meeting
- Adjourn
The meeting was called to order at [TIME] by [NAME].
[NAME] moved to approve the minutes of the last board meeting held on [DATE]. Motion was seconded and the minutes were approved.
Financial policies for the organization were discussed. The following policies were approved:
The next event of [DESCRIPTION] was discussed. [NAME] reported that donations have been secured to cover all costs of the event.
No other business was discussed.
The next board meeting shall be held on [DATE], [TIME] at [LOCATION].
The meeting was adjourned at [TIME].